Futuristic Building Designs - Thinking Outside the Box
Thinking Outside The Box is a metaphor that means to think
unconventionally, or
from a new perspective. This phrase
often refers to novel or
creative thinking.
Not Being Narrow Minded.
The Venus Project
Plans To Build Entire Cities, #TeslaCities
Buildings that Blend Nature and City: Jeanne Gang (video and text)
Before you decide on your final home
design, you should view the 100's of home design ideas that are on the
Green Building Page. These
types of buildings would be great in high wind areas or in
hurricane prone areas.
Like a
Dome House
that spins. Or a
Premade Home ready to live in. Our a brick house made of straw and
Floating City.
3D Printed Building in Dubai
Airplane Homes -
Airplane Home -
Airplane Hotel
Green Building.